Opportunities in Hard Times //
In this article Tony shows there is a key to overcoming even in the midst of recession.
Times are hard, everyone declares right now. No matter where you are or what you are doing it seems like it's impossible not to hear about the current global credit crunch that is upon us.
Now here is an amazing statement, as a believer it will have an impact on you. No Tony, I hear you say, I thought we had to live above all that. Now wait a minute and hear me out. Yes, it will have an impact on you one way or the other. However, ask yourself, will it be positive or negative. Whichever way you consider it to be is the way you will act in the midst of it. For example you can fall back with a siege mentality or you can take a stand as Ephesians 6 declares. Standing is active not passive, so you have to make a decision that you will increase when the rest of the world is struggling. Or as friends of mine stated in the last recession they decided to zig when everyone else was zaging. That is not an arrogant statement but it is a statement of faith. You have to look for the opportunity in the midst of the report you are receiving then you have to seize it and run with it. In order to do so you have to expect opportunities to arise. Yes, even in the midst of a recession.
Then there is an important question here. What is the key for divine opportunities to come my way?
Well, one of the greatest keys is to make sure you stay tithing and you don't quit or hold back. You might think, oh no that's typical of a preacher still after our money even when times are tight. I understand you may feel that but there is an important spiritual principle at stake here. We have to make sure we keep the life of God flowing in our lives no matter what is happening out there. Malachi 3:10 sees us catching a unique verse in the Bible where God tells us to "prove Him" in our tithing. It then tells us why. It's because in doing so the windows of heaven are opened up for blessing on our lives. Another word for blessing here is "empowerment to increase". So tithing keeps you empowered for opportunities to come so that you can step into them for increase. It places your dependency not on the carnality of money but firmly on the Lord. When you commit to tithing regardless of circumstances you declare in the heavens that your trust is in the Lord to take care of you. Don't you think that is a more sure way than trusting in some economic recovery plan that is committing billions of pounds we don't necessarily have.
Jesus is ready right now to receive our tithe and confer blessings because he is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20) because that is just what Melchizedek did. So when you give tithes you give a witness first of all that Jesus lives and then you put yourself in a position for Him to confer blessings.
There is a secondary point relating to tithing, which is vital for each one of us to grasp. Tithing is more than just putting the money in the bucket. Yes, you have to do that part but it needs to be accompanied by your confession of faith and so many people forget that so tithing becomes a passive thing rather than an active life giving process. Hebrews 4:14 encourages us to hold fast to the confession of our faith. Faith is released by your mouth. We must speak what we believe as we tithe and trust in the high priestly ministry of Jesus to bring increase. We can't leave either part out. Don't speak the word but not give. Equally don't tithe and not proclaim in faith that He will bring the increase. By tithing correctly God always gets the glory and He gives you more seed to sow and bless others with. You are blessed to be a blessing after all.
In closing this month I pray that you catch hold of the timeless message here and press through to trust the Lord in all you do and especially in this key area. I pray that this year will be a blessing for you and that there will be many opportunities come your way for increase in your life so you can bring support and show generosity in many other lives. In doing so may the love of God in you shine through and make a real difference for someone who is in desperate need.
We love you