Finish Your Race-Part 1 //
This is the first of a two part series in which Tony calls on us to consider why we are on the Planet and begin to realise the fulness of our purpose in life
Take a look with me at 2 Timothy 4. We see in verse 7 that Paul was ready to go home and be with the Lord because he knows what is in store. He looks back over his life and knows he has done what God asked him to do.
It was a fight but it was a good one. Why because he knew the final outcome as we see in verse 8.
As an aside that is true for all of us as Christians. We may go through some things. There are some things we would rather not go through but in the end we have victory because we know where we are going. That passage is a contrast with Philippians 1:23-24 when Paul wanted to go to be with the Lord but he knew he had not yet finished his race
Today I want to encourage each one of you to run and finish your race.
Let me start with some thoughts. What is your passion in life? What is the reason that you are on the planet for? Have you ever asked God those kind of questions? Is it to change the course of history as Winston Churchill did knowing he was destined for greatness. Or is it just to be a great Mum? What is it that He has called you to do that no one else can do?
Do you even realise that there is a great purpose to your life and then ask yourself if there is do I have time to fulfil it?
In Psalm 39:4 David asks “Lord show me the measure of my days”
I think that means more than “Lord show me how long I have”
I guess we all wish we knew that but actually we are glad we don’t. No, this is more of a cry to know the measure, to know the expectancy or the fullness of what his days comprise so that he can go on and complete them.
In Acts 13:25 we see that John knew his days and he knew how to finish and let go so Jesus was able to fulfil his days on earth.
So sit back for a moment and ask some of these questions of yourself. What has God called me for? Perhaps you have never done that before. Maybe you already know or have an idea but sometimes its good to reflect and allow God to reveal it to you in greater detail.
Be Yourself
In 1 Corinthians 3:8-15 Paul shows us that we have our own reward for our own labour.
So don’t try to be someone else be yourself, be what God’s heart is for you to be. Everyone is graced for something-
Faced with the question-”What has God given me the grace for?” think about this
a) I can be encouraged He has given me something-there is something on the inside of you that you have a grace and a gifting for, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, God placed it on the inside of you and you have what it takes
b) Use it-don’t hold back find out what it is and go do it with everything you have.
In any situation in life it would be easy to let go of what you know, what you have learned, where you have found joy, where you know God has called you to fulfil His purpose for your life.
Don’t let that happen make sure you do what God has graced you for
What is more I am certain that God will help you pursue it. Why? Because Hebrews 12:1-2. encourages us to run the race that is set before us looking to Jesus as he is the author and the finisher of what is inside of us. In other words He started the gifting and purpose that is in you and he is going to enable you to finish.
He is not holding back from you. God is on your side. He is pouring out His blessing so go with the flow of that. Double up and determine in your heart that Gods will and purpose is going to happen for you this year.