Our Security In Christ //
This month I want us to take a look at the book of Ephesians from a today perspective. How does it effect us, motivate us and instruct us to be all we can be for God now?
Ephesus was the most important city in Asia, a Roman province. When the believers there received this letter from Paul we need to understand that it was a major event for them. They did not have 50 versions of the bible, books, teaching tapes, CD's, ipods, mp3’s and the God channel. This letter was probably the most important information revealing truth about God they were ever likely to get. Consider the verses we study in that light and think what it would have been like to hear these truths for the first time and how it would have transformed their lives.
Then think on this. Are they transforming your life now?
In Ephesians 1:1-3 Paul begins by letting them know just how much God has already blessed them. His favour is on them and as it’s written to the church as a whole that same blessing, grace and favour is on you. It says every blessing. God leaves nothing out. Let that sink in. You may feel like a nobody, you may feel you have missed it in life but if you are in Christ then God’s blessing is on you
Verse 4 then goes on to show that He has chosen us and we therefore should be holy and without blame. That is his purpose for all of us. You were not an accident or the product of some kind of primordial soup zapped by lightning. Ultimately it is your choice whether you want that for yourself. If you made that choice then it is a great sense of comfort and security to you.
Planned for Adoption.
Verse 5 tells us that God planned before any of this world was created that you would be His. However he also gave man free will to say no thanks to that offer. He knew man would rebel and reject Him and would need someone(Jesus) to turn that position around so we could return to Him if we chose. That process when we say yes to Jesus is adoption as a son or daughter of the father God.
It is just like we don’t belong to Him any more because of man’s sin and rebellion but saying yes to Him and all Jesus has done for us on the cross brings us back into the family. That happens not just as a nice promise some time in the future but as a legal contract just like our country’s own adoption laws only with God that agreement is written in the blood of Jesus and it makes an eternal difference for us now, today in the reality of our world
Now that statement is worth a shout. Just think how those Christians in Ephesus would have responded realising just who they were. Do you react the same? Does that bring a sense of peace to your life?
You are Accepted
Verse 6 then goes on to let us know that as a result of this adoption process you are accepted. That is something that a child feels very strongly in any adoption. For many they are aware that they have been rejected and nobody cares for them. It can cause much trauma in their life and adopting parents have to be fully aware of what they may need to walk through with them. Adoption is meant to say that all that has changed and you are accepted by someone. You have been chosen and someone loves you.
In this case that acceptance is not by just an earthly parent but by the father God himself, The Beloved. The one who is love and will love and continue to love in every situation no matter how many times we let Him down. He will always be there because He loves us and he accepts us
Too Good to Be True?
You may have read all that and thought to yourself, “That just sounds too good to be true” I guess that thought was in the mind of many of the Ephesian people as they heard that letter read out. “It sounds awesome but can it really apply to me? After all you don’t know what I have done”
I am sure that Paul anticipated those sentiments when he wrote the letter and so he follows up with as series of statements about Jesus, which we know as “ In Him” statements. Basically they show us what Christ has done and therefore what we possess if we have made that decision to follow Him so we can be said to be “In Him”
First it tells us that this is all about what Jesus has done. Not an angel or a prophet or a good man but by the son of God Himself.
There are 7 things Paul uses to provide the evidence by which we can say “Oh yes, it’s because of that. I can rest in that knowledge, this is what is true for me and this is what brings security to my life no matter what life throws at me now” They are
In Him we have redemption through His blood
In Him we have forgiveness of sins
In Him we are gathered together as one
In Him we have obtained an inheritance
In Him we trusted in our salvation
In Him we are sealed with the Holy spirit of promise
The blood of Jesus has overcome death and sin for us, the very worst that can happen. We have life in Christ Jesus. It enables you to face all life can throw at you knowing you have a destiny and purpose because of all he has done for you. It has all been forgiven, completely wiped out, there is nothing against you anymore.
This was a powerful revelation that God had brought to Paul. Before this time know one knew the full extent of what Jesus had done. It was a mystery hidden in God for the church to know.
That knowledge must have made an indescribable difference to the lives of that Ephesian church.
So let me ask what difference does it make to you?
Have a great month