Our Inheritance In Christ //
This month I want to continue with our mini series in Ephesians and consider an important statement given by Paul the Apostle to the Ephesian church.
So lets begin by taking a look at Ephesians 1:11.
Paul informs us that in Him, that is in Christ, we have obtained an inheritance.
Now in this era of huge lottery wins and everyone’s hope of a windfall from some unknown source I am sure that news would be of great importance. Immediately we consider how we could pay off debts and go on that Caribbean cruise. I am sure also the news had a similar affect on the church in Ephesus
Whichever way you see it an inheritance is good news. Some of you may already have received one even though it is tinged with sadness perhaps over the loved one who may have died. So what you do with it is important as you are carrying over the family’s wealth to the next generation. I remember my Father was very much into photography and when he died and left each of the children some money I used my part to buy a new digital SLR that I know he had wanted for some time so it carried on the family tradition.
Of course you may have mixed feelings if you also inherited you father’s big nose or snoring habits.
In biblical times inheritance was vital to the community. For example Abraham had no heir but the Lord promised him that he would have descendants, showed him the land he would inherit and then cut a covenant with him to seal that promise. The life of the community revolved around a good inheritance so this thought from Paul was right in line for the Ephesian church.
Jesus is the heir of all God has
In Mark 12:6-7 Jesus completes a parable with a graphic description of what was about to happen to himself. There is a clear inference that Jesus has the inheritance of the father because he is the Son by relationship.
We then have this confirmed in Hebrews 1:2-4 as God appointed Jesus as heir through His death on the cross and through His resurrection He obtained the inheritance
Romans 8:16-17 then backs up the promise to the Ephesians by showing us that we are also heirs to the promised inheritance. You may ask how is that possible? It is because spiritually you are in Christ when you get born again and adopted into the family as we discussed last time. So you are heir to the inheritance but how do you know that?
Well, Ephesians 1:13-14 shows us that when we believed in Jesus we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and He is the guarantee of our inheritance. The Holy Spirit is dwelling on the inside of you as a believer and so everyday you are walking round with the guarantee that all that Jesus has belongs to you. The difference here is that this inheritance does not come by right as a normal inheritance would but by grace through faith.
So what is our inheritance?
What do the scriptures tell us we receive as a result of being “In Christ”? The answer is much but there are 6 key things for us to consider.
1 We inherit the kingdom of God.
This is anywhere that God has rule and reign so it is much bigger than what God promised Abraham. Matthew 25:34 promises that we will inherit and that this has been prepared for us from before the foundation of the world. That’s an awesome thought but Jesus could say that because He was there when it was decided.
2 You inherit the earth or the land
Matthew 5:5 and Psalm 37:29 gives us that promise.
Consider this. The earth is a precious commodity. It is being held in trust for you. At the moment you may only physically possess your belongings and perhaps a house and land you live in. But the whole earth is yours and maybe some are not taking good care of it. I am not just referring to green issues but to everything that goes on like the injustices in the world. We can do something about that and take a stand just as Wilberforce did over slavery many years ago. That cause is still with us and human slavery is perhaps worse than it ever was. Are you ready to stand up and look after what is yours? Think about it.
3 You inherit Salvation
The salvation that you received is much bigger than just that you got born again. In scripture it has the idea of bringing us into a spacious environment or it is freedom from limitation or to redeem or recover property that has fallen into alien hands. It opens up the whole of the Zoë life of God to you.
4 You inherit the blessing
The favour of God and the joy and happiness of God is your inheritance. You may not feel like you are enjoying favour right now but in God that is only transitional. So rejoice in the Lord because favour and blessing is coming your way
5 You inherit glory
Romans 8:17-18 tells us that as heirs we shall be glorified with Him. What we have to face now in this world is nothing to the glory that is coming our way. That glory is the weight of His presence, power and majesty and we will share it. I for one am praying and yielding to His presence more each day because I know it is my inheritance.
6 You inherit incorruption
I Corinthians 15:50-54 gives us all some shouting ground. Death is no longer the end. Your inheritance is incorruption or immortality. This is your ultimate victory.
So we can rejoice over what is coming our way but we do not sit back and do nothing just waiting for it all to land in our lap. 1 Corinthians 15:58 warns us to be steadfast, immovable and always to abound in the work of the Lord knowing our labour is not in vain. So let’s rejoice and get on with our race with whatever the Lord has prepared for us to do.