Kingdom Righteousness //
Last month we began to look at how to walk in Kingdom Power. This month we continue by considering righteousness as a key to leading a life that fulfils the demands of Jesus in Matthew 6:33.
If we want kingdom power then we have to understand kingdom living. In doing so we have to appreciate how it applies in every area of our life whether that is personal,church,work life or home and family.
We know that the amplified version describes righteousness in Matthew 6:33 as “Gods way of doing and being right”. Well kingdom living is all about that. It’s making a decision in every part of your every day life to live God’s way
Now that may seem straightforward but it’s rather like learning to drive a car. From a distance it looks easy, fun and exciting. However, do you remember the first time you got behind the wheel and realised that there was more to it than you thought trying to co-ordinate brake, clutch and accelerator all at the same time?. Then respect for Mum or Dad rose to a new level as they just seemed to handle it effortlessly.
Well, eventually we did learn to drive and in the same way we have to learn and pursue living the life of God even if it goes against the norms of the world.
So today lets look at Romans 14:17 which says,
“for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
In 2 Corinthians 5 we are reminded that when we get born again we are made righteous or put into right standing with God. We exchanged our sin life for a right life. So in one way righteousness is a fact of who we are in Christ, but living that life out is a different matter. It involves making right choices and right decisions every day. It means we have to choose to bring Christ’s kingly rule and way into our sphere of influence regardless of what others say and do.
In Matthew 5:20 Jesus tells His disciples that their righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees if they are to enter the kingdom of heaven. That may seem an easy proposition but Paul mentions in Philippians 3:5-6 that although the Pharisees got much wrong they still lived a holy life according to the law.
So we have to ask ourselves, we are made righteous but am I really leading a life that reflects my right standing with God? Am I walking in holiness as a reality or just superficially.
Oswald chambers wrote in a book on Biblical Ethics that holiness with righteousness is “ the Characteristic of a man after God’s own heart in conformity to a right standard-where no one but God sees us-That is where very few of us are Christian”.
I find that thought challenging because it confirms that it is not enough to be righteous we have to live that out in our actions both in public and private. It may not be vibrant exciting stuff but the bottom line is this is what will enable us to live a victorious life, free from guilt and sin.
Applying that in the four areas I mentioned earlier here are a few things to ponder over.
In my personal life am I living right before God? Am I praying regularly. Am I reading the Word and doing what it says? Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to help me make the adjustments and then be faithful to do it with His help.
In my church life do I love and treat everyone the same? Do I have a problem with some who are not in my circle? Do I need to walk in forgiveness toward them?
In my work life do I act differently to what I am like in church? Are my Christian values the same or do I become one of the lads. I am in the world but not of it and my work life is where I really touch the world so how I act in my work environment is crucial to my well being before God. We have a choice on our standards of behaviour. We are on a mission field every day and can show others the right way to be. No one said this would be easy but we have Christ on the inside of us so we can walk in victory in this area
At home with our family should be where we can most easily walk with God. I know some will be in families where not everyone is a believer and that is a pressure similar to our work life. However, for most it should be a place where we can relax. Nevertheless just because we are having some down time does not mean we shut out doing what we know to be right.
I believe the devil will use this to distract us and bring conflict. The devil hates family because God put things together to be in family and He values it so highly. So we have to stay on our guard and recognise when the devil is encroaching often in the most subtle of ways.
So we have to make a fresh determination in our spirit that we will walk worthy of God. I John 3:7 says that, “he who practices righteousness is righteous” In other-words doing right is not based on what we intend to do, or how we intend to live. It isn’t even based on knowing what the Word of God says about it.
It is what we actually do that matters.
You know together we can allow the Holy Spirit to dominate our hearts. He is there as our helper in time of need. As we depend on Him we will win through and enable us to live this life right with all we have within us.