Flourishing In The House //
I have just returned from a conference where I spoke on this subject. It is a key theme for living Word as a thriving local church and people thriving in it is one of our core values so I hope you get inspired by it.
Psalm 27:4-5 provides us with a backcloth for this article. It gives us a key premise from David as the psalmist that spending time in the house of God is his one desire.
It causes me to ask if that is your one desire or has that ideal been tarnished due to circumstances or distractions on other things? These days many have a casual relationship with church and it becomes just one other place to be visited in a busy crammed week.
Yet the Psalmist here is reflecting a different, burning passion in his heart because he has a deep conviction of the difference spending time with the Lord makes and he cannot keep away.
Consider this, what one thing would you ask for this year that you know would make a permanent change in your life. Would it be a car or house or money? Or would it be to dwell passionately in the house with your Father God? After all seeking after the house first will ensure that all the other things go right as we discussed when we spoke about kingdom in the last few articles.
I have always been inspired by the words of Psalm 92:12-15 which takes this idea of the house of God further. First of all it tells us that if we are in the house we have an opportunity to flourish. However secondly it says that in order to do this we have to be firmly planted in the house.
Now I realise that in scripture we are encouraged to see that the house of God is not the building but the people and that in new Testament scripture we perceive for the first time that we are the house. Nevertheless I find a good definition of the house that helps us in this study is as follows:
“ The tangible framework that embraces and cherishes people which then causes them to flourish in life”
Now wouldn’t you want to spend time in a house like that?
You see my hearts passion is to see your house flourish and to see you flourishing in the house. Even the terms that the psalmist uses to describe those who are planted and doing well are those of very carefully chosen trees.
The palm tree is long lived, stately, upright, useful and fruitful.
The cedar of Lebanon is majestic, stable, durable and incorruptible.
Those are both great examples of how most of us would like to be. Now your house(your own personal self and your local church) may not be everything you would like it to be because no where is perfect, but only by planting yourself and being in the house will you have a chance of receiving the nourishment you need to grow and develop and become all God has a desire for you to be.
He has provided the right environment for you to get the most benefit. However as I demonstrated graphically at my recent conference with a convenient plant many of us become plant pot Christians. We come in get a little food now and again then think we can survive for a while. However like any plant unless you are permanently planted then fed and watered you will whither and become dry or even pot bound.
In order to stay fresh when times get tough you need to stay planted then the rest of the plants in the house will provide you nourishment and support when thing are not so good for you. I realise you can strain the example but I hope you catch my drift because it is vital for your well being.
This thought is a challenge for our churches to be the places where people can truly find help and healing, strength and encouragement. Fortunately many more churches are determined to be relevant places providing such an environment to welcome a hurting world. I for one have a heart to help them to be all God needs them to be.
We need the house of God we know to be a place for people to experience a level of irresistability, a place where the presence of God resides and you can be satisfied.
I love the passage in Exodus 33:11 where we find Moses meeting God face to face then going back to his tent but Joshua cannot leave the tabernacle because God is there and he knows God will meet his deepest needs. Are you in a place where you have to be in the house because you know you will meet God there and you will find answers to your needs?
If that is you then you are in a place to flourish because you are positioning yourself in such a way that you are open to grow and be all you can be.
Finally here are some meanings for the word flourish
To grow luxuriously, thrive vigourously
Prosper and achieve success
Be in ones prime
Be in good health
Be in a state of activity or production
To reach a height of development or influence.
Is that you? Well it can be if you spend time with God, being fed by the Word and watered by the Holy Spirit. You will place yourself strongly to reach your potential and purpose in life so don’t give up. Press on in and I am certain He will meet you there.