The Transforming Power of God //
This is the first in a new series of articles that reflect the core heart and passion of everything we do at Living Word. Recently I have been reviewing and refining the vision and mission of the ministry. Consequently I have come to reflect that everything we do revolves round the key statement that we are all about “Transforming Lives by the Power of God”. There are several elements to this which I will be articulating in the next few months but this is the essence of Living Word UK.
This simple yet profound statement is accompanied by some core values or convictions which we hold dear highlighted by 5 key words. The first of these that I shall cover in this article is
“We believe that the Word of God has a transformational power that will change people’s lives”
Our ministry has always been word centred but this statement reflects the sense that we truly believe in a Living Word. In other words it always carries God’s power within it. That Word is not a static academic thing but it is one that is alive and carries the power of God to transform lives. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God as “living and powerful” and we live on the basis that this promise is true.
We believe and expect that as we teach and share the truths contained in the word of God that people, leaders and churches will be able to apply them to their everyday lives. This will be transformational in that it will enable everyone to live the great kind of life God intended with hope for the future, with happy marriages and a greater sense of purpose in life. The word will truly be living in them. We also expect to see this same power bring miracles and healing for a hurting world for all those we have an opportunity and privilege to minister to.
Jesus in Mark 8 has strong words for the religious leaders of his day when considering the hoops they made people go through when he said “making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.”
He is trying to get all of us to see that the Word is not merely a passive series of verses to just build doctrines and traditions around but is meant to be full of power, life giving and transformational.
I believe we have come to a time in history where the world needs to see and experience a real and consistent demonstration of the power of God, impacting and changing their lives and when they do it will bring joy and encouragement in day to day lives and fresh purpose and certainty for the future.
I will never forget when I read the passage in Luke 5:17 with fresh eyes. It says, “Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.”
How did they know that the power was present? The disciples did not head into the room with placards and megaphones declaring “the power is here, gather round” No, they knew because Jesus was present. Previous experience of His life and ministry meant that there was an expectant atmosphere that filled the air wherever He went.
Almost everywhere Jesus went he preached the word and then followed it with a demonstration of power, healing the sick, setting people free and revealing the nature and heart of His father. In all of this he was training His disciples to do the same. So it is no surprise that he sent them out commanding them to follow the same pattern of ministry and gave them authority and power to do what he was doing.
We then find that after his death and resurrection the very last thing he tells them and us through them to do is found in Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Jesus expected that signs should follow when we go out and preach the word.
Over time we have let go of this basic command and commission of our Lord. I have come to the place where I believe that we need to stand up again and put a demand on the transformational power of the Word of God on a daily basis. We should encourage people to rely upon and live out the promises of God contained in the Word. We should expect God to heal the sick and move mightily in our meetings.
One thing is for sure people need it. The world is tired of seeing a church that has no power. The church is full of promise but we need to see it backed up with power. The world is hurting and in desperate need of help. We must rise up and show that we have the answers when those seeking help come through the doors or we go out to where they are living life. Those answers need to be not just in vague promises but in life changing power.
This ministry has dedicated itself to do whatever it takes in prayer, study and action so that wherever we have a privilege to preach and teach and minister to people it will be a vehicle to bring life, healing, help and encouragement enabling people to fulfil their destiny and purpose in Christ.
Thanks for being a great part in what we do. We appreciate you.