Yes There is A Rest For You //
A few years ago I was involved as a group leader for a city wide Alpha course in my home city. During that time it was a privilege to talk and share with many who were interested in the Christian faith but had not yet made a commitment.
I found again and again hearing them express a natural feeling that we are all on a journey and searching. So that a spiritual search was just part of that process of life.
I regularly ended up sharing with them that whilst I understood what they were saying and they were correct in one sense, nevertheless I had some years before met Jesus and given my heart to Him so now I had a constant sense of having arrived and being in a place of peace and rest at the very basic spiritual level.
We have just got through 5 articles highlighting the core values of our ministry. We have demonstrated our heart to help people fulfil their full potential in Christ.
Yet in the midst of all that my first key to achieving would always be to come to an absolute saving faith in Christ and know who you are in Him. That involves setting aside your way of doing things and coming to a place of rest and trust in His way for your life and His way of doing things. You then place yourself in a position of blessing and potential in Him.
The book of Hebrews has much to say about entering rest. In particular chapter 4:1-11 encourages us to enter rest.
It uses the analogy of the children of Israel who came out of Egypt but did not enter the promised land How many times do we as Christians rejoice in our salvation but fail to let go and enter in to all that God has for us because we still try to do things our way instead of his way.
There is a wonderful apparent contradiction in terms in verse 11of chapter 4. The writer says “ let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest”
One might think hang on a minute first you say rest but then tell me I have to strive to get there. No it is not a striving but rather a sense of putting your whole heart into it.
Here are some keys to follow.
First we have to settle it in our thinking that there is a rest which only God can bring and that it is for us today.
Secondly we have to cease from our own works. Not that we have to give up but that we are prepared to yield to His ways as we take this Christian life upon us. It means ceasing from self and the way we would do things so we can embrace fully and find His way of doing things
Thirdly it means trusting Jesus that He knows what is best for us.
I can’t help thinking how relevant this is in the run up to the festive season.