You Are Programmed For Victory //
Happy New Year and I pray that this will be the best year of your life. In this first article of 2011 I want us to reflect on something that God has placed on the inside of each one of us.
We have an awesome Father God and there are no limits to what we can do.
Many may look at that statement aware of shortcomings or things that have gone wrong in life through no fault of their own. As a result it is easy to feel that you will never reach your potential.
However circumstances that may cry out “well this is my lot in life” are not the limiting factor. We may get natural DNA from our parents and where we were born may seem to have an adverse affect on us but there is another DNA that was preprogrammed on the inside of us before we ever showed up.
God placed His DNA in each of us. He had a purpose for our lives. He gave you the right gifts, the right talents, the right personality and the ability you need to be all He created you for.
In fact you have been preprogrammed to live a victorious life.
David reflected on this in the Psalms when he meditated on how much God knew him before he was even born.
Every one of us has potential. God placed that in us before anything in the world had an opportunity to destroy it. Those gifts God has placed in us can be held back. Nevertheless they are still there waiting to be activated.
You may have dreams but feel they will never come to anything because of what is going on in your life. One thing is for sure the devil does not want you to reach your potential.
But we have a big God and if you continue to believe and use your faith then what God has placed on the inside of you will be activated. His DNA, His plan for your life overrides anything that would hold you back. You have the life of God programmed in you. You need to get that thought deep on the inside of you.
Who you are in Christ supersedes anything of what you were before you knew Him. Spend some time looking up in the scriptures and reminding yourself of what Jesus has done for you. Wiping out your sin is one thing but the generosity of God working in you was enormous. He placed His Spirit in you, made you righteous, gave you faith and if you read all the “I am” scriptures you will be overwhelmed with what he has done to change you so you can be all he planned you to be.
You do have what it takes, you are a champion. You can override any obstacle. However you have to get in agreement with God
Lets make a declaration together
“I declare that every good thing God has put in me will come to fruition. Every gift, every talent, every dream, every desire will come to pass. I declare that I will fulfill my purpose. I will fulfill my God given destiny and become all he has created me to be”
It’s time for you to believe that so keep declaring it.
Have a great year.