Spiritual attributes for your character //
Have you ever considered what spiritual attributes amount to a Godly character. Well, here are a few to consider
a) Holiness
Deuteronomy7:6 and Colossians 3:12-13 provide us with a good backdrop to hang this one on.
Holiness means to have your heart conformed to the image of God and your life regulated by divine precepts. It also means to be consecrated or set apart to a sacred use.
Now notice how in Deuteronomy we are called a holy people but in Colossians there is a consequential action of being holy. In other words we have to develop within us a daily separation from the world’s way of doing things. We have to be daily consecrating ourselves to God. Now that doesn’t mean we walk around and don’t talk to anyone. It means we develop a kingdom way of doing things.
That is a decision we make daily of the kind of life we will lead. There will always be a temptation to be unholy or worldly to act like we are not a holy people. We are not immune. We don’t go round with a halo or a force field so everything like that stays away or bounces off us. We have to make a choice to be holy towards God in our spiritual life. Just calling ourselves a Christian and having that one off experience of coming to Christ is not going to do it.
b) Godly
Take a look at Psalm 4:3 and 2 Peter 2:9
God treats us differently if we walk as being Godly. That is good news isn’t it. Anyone enjoy the idea that you are special to God. Good you should but the character that has to come through with a Godly life is described in Webster's dictionary as “living in obedience to Gods commands from a principle of love to Him and reverence for his character and precepts”
Oh Oh that means I have to live Godly 24/7 even when I’m not in church and even when I’m on my own and no one is looking and I do that just because I love God and I am so thankful for what He has done for me and the very fact that He has chosen me. Yes, it does. Are you prepared for that?
c) Following Christ and being attentive to His Voice
John 10:3-6,27 is a good place to start for this so lets study this a moment. This passage is saying we should follow Him because we know His voice and we hear it.
This is not a one off wonder. It is not meant to refer only to when you heard and responded when you got born again. It is clear from this passage that Jesus is constantly wanting to show you the right path and the safe place to be. To do that we have to be attuned to His voice and His way.
Isaiah 30:21 says “your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it””
So it is possible to hear His voice but the important question is, will you follow it?
To Follow means to accompany, go along with, go the same way with, follow one who precedes in other words we want to be constantly on the same roadway with Jesus.
That is not an easy task. Have you tried it recently. It is easy to veer off when some other distraction comes along. For that reason Jesus wants us to be attentive to Him and follow Him. Not because he is a spoilsport or a killjoy but because he is looking out for our best interest. We have to decide that he knows what is best for us and follow after him.
d) Led by the Spirit
Led as described in Romans 8:14 is a present continuous in the original Greek. It has the sense of continually being led.
However it does not mean we just obey commands like “Do this don’t do that” but being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit throughout the day. Such promptings will never encourage us to act contrary to scripture. In verse 13 of Romans 8 Paul is encouraging us to stop the acts of the flesh. You do this by being progressively led by the promptings of the Spirit and by doing this it will make us more completely obedient to God and conformed to His holy standards.
e) Devout
Means to yield a solemn ( or serious) attention to God in religious exercises especially prayer.
Acts 8:2 talks of devout men carrying Steven to his burial.
Acts 2:42 NIV says “they devoted themselves to the apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and in prayers”
Now you may not have thought of yourself as a very devout person. Perhaps you thought that was old hat or reserved for monks and priests who had nothing better to do all day. No, what we see here is that it is a character trait of the Spirit.
It does not mean that you lead a boring life always in books and never going out on the town or enjoying life. However what it does mean is that in the midst of living life you pay correct attention to God and His ways
f) Fearing God
I am not talking about feeling a painful apprehension of pending evil. Concerning God it means to reverence, have a reverential awe, to venerate and that is the sense we apply it. In fact according to the scripture it is all we should fear. We are not to fear anything else.
You know at it’s most basic that means we don’t get involved in jokes about God because he is our Lord and saviour and we worship and hold him up in high esteem, whenever we get the chance. On that basis we do not shy back from talking about Him because he is everything to us.
g) Hunger for Righteousness
Let me ask you this: when are we made righteous (or placed into right standing with God? When we get born again right. So we are righteous. Okay then why does the verse in Matthew 5:6 from the mouth of Jesus himself tell us to hunger and thirst after righteousness? It has to be because He wants it to be a consistent attribute of our spiritual character that we are exercising and living in fullness on a daily basis. So it is like physical hunger for us. It is a strong desire. When we are physically hungry we just have to have food. In the same way walking in righteousness must be like a consuming passion in our life. It is more than knowing you are righteous it is walking that life out with Him.
Jesus says when you do that you will be full Hallelujah. You will be full of Him.
So as we close today let us be mindful of these spiritual attributes and be determined to sow them and grow them into our life and our character. These are the most important elements of our spiritual growth
It might not be the coolest thing to be known as Godly or devout but at the end of the day ask yourself this:
Who am I pleasing God or the world?