Full of the Word and Joy //
So this month we come to two vital ingredients in our quest to being full to overflowing so we can give out of ourselves and advance the kingdom
First there really is no substitute for spending time studying and applying the Word of God consistently in our lives.
In John 15:7 Jesus provides us with a template by stating “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”
Now the inference in that word abide is live in, not just visit occasionally. Here is a big test for us as believers. Are we guilty of just visiting the word of God every so often when we feel like it?
Alternatively has it become life itself for us so in effect we are feeding on it, relying on it, using it and living by it on a daily basis.
The more of God’s Word you have the more confidence you have in it.
In John 15:7 Jesus says ask what you will. Many people use that all the time thinking they can ask anything and they have God’s answer, but there is a proviso to it. You have to have the Word of God abiding in you first.
There are too many Christians expecting God to move when they refuse to fulfil their part of the deal.
The verse is powerful because it shows us God will always back His Word. He is watching over His Word to perform it.
How much of the Word do you have in you for God to watch over? Are you full of it or do you now realise you have to do more?
I sense that is a powerful reason why more people are not as effective for God and the kingdom as they should be.
Second, how full are you of the joy of the Lord
John 15:11 declares ”these things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full”
Jesus wants us full of His joy. Yet joy eludes many people. Have you noticed how many miserable Christians there are complaining of everything.
Yes, there are pressures in this life and it is easy to be critical and find fault everywhere. There are many things not right in our society and even among our fellows. However Jesus is trying to get us to take our eyes off that and stay full of joy.
If you are full of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word as we have already discussed then joy must come forth. It is a powerful tool against the enemy. He hates joy and wants us to stay arguing with each other instead of resting in the fulness of life that only the joy of the Lord brings.
It is our strength when all else fails.
Romans 15:13 cries out ”that the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
So fulness of joy causes you to abound. It is the power anointing of the Holy Spirit that keeps you going when everything else is caving in around you.
We need it like never before if we are to make inroads for the kingdom. Without it anything we do will become a chore and not an exciting calling.
I enjoy what I do. Yes, there are sacrifices and there are times we have to get in the secret place with the Father and yield to the Holy Spirit so we move forward. However that is a small price to pay to see the joy on peoples faces as the Lord works a miracle in their life, be it new birth or healing or seeing something in the Word of God for the first time and taking in that revelation.
So will you do what it takes to be full and stay that way?