What holds us back //
Last time we focussed on how we can press forward to achieve what God has planned for our life by lifting the lid on our jam jar.
It is easy to get excited by that kind of message yet some may be aware there is something holding them back from getting the best. Perhaps they feel a bit like those fleas in the jar. They have become so used to things as they are they cannot see the possibility of change.
So let's take a look to identify what some of those issues may be so we can make adjustments in our life and go for it with everything we have.
1 Present sin
We don’t want to talk about this but there is nothing that will hold us back more quickly. It undermines confidence and holds us back from going forward.
If that is pertinent to you then repent immediately and change. 1 Corinthians 10 shows us how much sin can be a distraction. So take action today.
2 Circumstances of the past
Past failure and bad circumstances held the Israelites back from reaching the promised land. They were out of Egypt but Egypt was not out of them. It is a bit like the fleas in the jar you keep hitting against the past so much that it hurts. So you stop trying. Maybe you get to thinking well if I try again it will go wrong.
Change your thinking it could go right. Take the lid off. The reason we do not is reflected in the next point.
3 Lack of confidence
This may hold you back because you just have no confidence in your self. The reality is you can turn that around. Instead have confidence in God on the inside you. It is not about you anyhow. It is all about Him and what He can do through you. So cast all your confidence on Him. Then you will change your perspective. You will begin to see things differently. It always looks different from His viewpoint because he never fails
4 It seems like too big a challenge.
You know that is a normal human feeling but do not let that be the defining thing in your life. Don’t get to the place where you just can’t be bothered and so you do nothing.
Galatians 6:7-9 shows us the way. Whatever we sow we shall reap. So doing nothing is doing something. If you sow nothing, nothing is what you will reap.
However if you give it a go, don’t get weary and get lazy you will reap good things if you do not lose heart
5 Lack of the necessary skills.
The McDonalds example last time shows us what held them back. Well, why not consider where you are at. Would you like to be more effective? Is it your desire to witness to people and bring more people to church but you feel you do not know how. Well, instead of giving up determine to learn. Look for an answer, seek out a way to learn that skill so you are propelled forward and don’t hold back.
6 You want an easy existence
Jesus provides us with a rest that the world does not know. However we can get complacent. We can accept our fate or be comfortable with where we are.
People it is time to get out of our comfort zone. God has placed dominion and kingdom rule within us. So there is rulership and leadership built into our DNA. So what are you doing with it?
7 The words of our mouth
Proverbs 6:2 says we are snared or held back by what we say. What are you saying about yourself and your situation? What we say makes a major difference to our lives now and in the future. Words are powerful and they produce a harvest good or bad.
So if we are going to raise the lid on our jam jar of life we have to make some decisions to work on some of these areas on a daily basis. Don’t just try it for a day. Make it a lifestyle change.
Ray Croc who took over McDonalds worked on things for years but it eventually paid off and McDonalds is now a household name. Do the same in your area of influence and begin to see God working in you afresh.