Opportunity Knocks //
This year I have been really challenged that God is on the move and we have to get ready and move with Him.
When that comes from the Spirit of God we have choices to make. We can decide this is an opportunity to prepare and be ready or we can sit back in the box of our comfort zone.
That is the problem. Many people are in containment mode.
The devil wants to keep you there so you will be less effective than you should.
The Spirit of God is saying there is a new thing. It’s close. Move in and step out. Seize this opportunity by faith and give birth to it in the Spirit.
A box is a very comfortable place to be. There is safety, comfort and tradition. This is always the way we have done it. However a box keeps you from moving forward. If you put both feet in a box you cant move very far. Even if you take one foot out your movement is impaired. You have to step out fully in order to get somewhere. Try it sometime.
In Mark 10:46 we see blind Bartimaus in a box in his begging clothes. However when Jesus called him he threw all those to one side and got to Jesus. His heart was I wont need these anymore because Jesus will heal me. He stepped out of the box that was holding him back.
If you want to achieve all God has for you then you have to step out of the box that is holding you.
Take a step of faith today and ask God what that box is for you. Then be determined to move out. Be ready to desire more and not be comfortable in how things are now.
In Mark 7:5-13 Jesus describes the situation of the Pharisees who through tradition made the word of God of no effect.
If we want to move in the power of God we have to move out of traditional thinking.
Whatever confines you will stop you reaching out to others. The world you cannot enter is the world you cannot reach.
I remember a few years ago when I was first due to travel to Pakistan to minister with a friend of mine a number of people tried to stop me becausethey perceived it was dangerous. If I had listened to them instead of to God there are thousands of people in that time I would not have reached.
We have to have the heart that is saying there is a world out there that needs to hear what you have to say.
The word says “as a man thinks in his heart so is he”
Are you thinking in your heart that you have nothing to say?
In James 1:5-8 we see that asking in faith is like stepping out of the box by asking without doubting.
In otherwords you are believing wholeheartedly and taking the opportunities that come to pass.
Not doing so and being double minded is like having one foot in the box. You want to move out one minute but then are not so sure the next.
The opportunity to step out is here. Think about this. Jesus is not going to stay in the box with you.
The box could not contain Him but 3 days. The stone was roled away and Jesus came out of His box.
Life conquered death
Jesus moved from death and containment to resurrection and kingdom life
That is what he wants for all of us.
The capacity is in every one of us to hear God and seize the opportunity when it is knocking on the door. However many wont move until its too painful to stay where you are.
Are you feeling the pain yet?